Festival Date: 2 – 5 Oct 2024

The Siliguri Short and Documentary Film Festival (SSDFF) was created to celebrate the art of filmmaking and to honour the filmmakers who make it all possible. This is a festival dedicated to rewarding artists for their individual talents and for their creative expression through the medium of film. The festival strives to bring together in Siliguri filmmakers from all corners of India and Bangladesh by promoting artistic and creative independent and experimental short and documentary films.

All the films will go through a reviewable process by our highly experienced juries, who will go through an evaluation process and select the films.

We aspire to promote, recognize and support independent filmmakers throughout India and Bangladesh by hosting a variety of awards in order to provide the best opportunities for filmmakers, helping them receive recognition. We welcome submissions from two genres of films — short films and documentaries.

We believe our film festival will give filmmakers a chance to showcase their work to a very wide range of audiences. We are very excited to review your film and observe the detailed creativity of your work!

We are accepting submissions for the following programs:

a) Short Narrative Film (Less than 30 minutes in length, including credits) 

b) Short Documentary Film (Less than 45 minutes in length, including credits)



All projects officially selected will receive the SSDFF official laurel and the customized certificate of achievement according to their final status in the competition.

Our jury will select the following winners from each category:

I) Best Short Film: A cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- to be shared equally between the Director and the Producer. The Director is to be given the GOLDEN ELEPHANT trophy and a certificate in addition to the cash component. The producer will get a certificate in addition to the cash component.

II) 2nd Best Film (Short film): A cash prize of Rs. 8,000/-, GOLDEN ELEPHANT trophy and a certificate will be presented to the best director (short films).

III) 3rd Best Film (Short film): A cash prize of Rs. 6,000/-, GOLDEN ELEPHANT trophy and a certificate will be presented to the best director (short films).

IV) Best Cinematography (Short Film): A cash prize of Rs. 6,000/-, GOLDEN ELEPHANT trophy and a certificate will be presented to the best cinematographer (short films).

V) Best Documentary Film: A cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- to be shared equally between the Director and the Producer. The Director is to be given the GOLDEN ELEPHANT and a certificate in addition to the cash component. The producer will get a certificate in addition to the cash component.



  1. This is an Indo-Bangladesh contest. The Competition is open to filmmakers who are Indian and Bangladeshi nationals.
  2. Short films must be under 30 minutes in length including credits, and documentary films must not exceed 45 minutes in length including credits.
  3. Short films must be fiction films.
  4. Films submitted already in any previous edition of the SSDFF are not eligible.
  5. The films must include English subtitles unless the spoken language is English.
  6. All fees are non-refundable.
  7. Any technical issues with the submitted films are 100% the responsibility of the filmmakers. If, at the time of judging, your video file doesn’t work or doesn’t have English subtitles (if in a language other than English), it will be automatically rejected, without a refund. Please contact the festival team ASAP if there are any issues with the submission process, and a solution will be found.
  8. Films with a poor production standard (bad sound, or video resolution less than 1080p HD) will be rejected.
  9. SSDFF is a competitive event and unless notified otherwise, all films officially selected are eligible for competition. Not all submissions received are selected for SSDFF.
  10. SSDFF reserves the right to refuse to accept any submission deemed by the festival to be inappropriate.
  11. Films must be completed between 1st January 2022 and 31st August 2024 and duly authenticated by the entrant in the entry form.
  12. To complete your submission the festival requires a preview copy. Please submit the preview link of your film (with password) preferably in mp4 format (resolution not less than 1080p) through Vimeo/YouTube/Google Drive. The password (if any) of the YouTube/Vimeo link should be valid until Oct 01, 2024.
  13. Fill your entry form online through our website: siliguricinesociety.com
  14. Only selected films will be intimated by email. No letters of non-acceptance will be sent. List of selected films will be available on the website by 15th Sept 2024.
  15. The officially selected films must be available for festival screening on High Quality MP4 through Google Drive/OneDrive/Dropbox etc. (Required Resolution 1080p).
  16. Eminent Juries will be appointed by the Siliguri Short and Documentary Film Festival (SSDFF) Authority. No person with any involvement in the films entered in the competition will be present on the Jury.
  17. A minimum of at least 7 (seven) films (short or documentary) is required for the competition to run in a section.
  18. The filmmakers accept responsibility for all trademark and copyrighted materials, shown or recorded, on the project.
  19. Filmmakers agree that their film, or clips from it, and all other material related to their project may be used and/or published in the event program, festival website, social networking sites, blog, or for other Festival promotional purposes.
  20. Filmmakers promise to provide SSDFF with a full electronic press kit that must include a trailer, images for web and print, cast & crew information, and film synopsis. We can’t promote you without your help.
  21. By submitting to us, you give us the right to screen your film in front of a live audience at the theatre chosen by the festival committee.
  22. We retain the right to change the date and venue of the festival under special circumstances. All filmmakers will be informed about any changes through our online platforms.
  23. The Director of the festival has the power to waive any of the above-mentioned rules.
  24. Any questions – feel free to contact us at siliguricinesocietyofficial@gmail.com




  • Early bird deadline: June 15, 2024, Entry Fees Rs. 500
  • Standard deadline: July 15, 2024, Entry Fees Rs. 600
  • Final deadline: August 15, 2024, Entry Fees Rs. 700
  • Extended deadline: August 25, 2024, Entry Fees Rs. 1000
  • Late Extended deadline: August 31, 2024, Entry Fees Rs. 1500


  • Early bird deadline: June 15, 2024, Entry Fees 700 taka
  • Standard deadline: July 15, 2024, Entry Fees 850 taka
  • Final deadline: August 15, 2024, Entry Fees 950 taka
  • Extended deadline: August 25, 2024, Entry Fees 1500 taka
  • Late Extended deadline: August 31, 2024, Entry Fees 2500 taka



Payment can be made electronically in the following accounts:


For Indian Entry:

Account Name:     Siliguri Cine Society

A/C No:                 11168681419

IFSC Code:            SBIN0000184

Bank/Branch:        State Bank of India, Siliguri Branch

For Bangladesh Entry:

Account Name:     Sree Krishno Ghosh

Hisab No:               5309034090145

Bank Name:           Nilphamari Sonali Bank Limited, Sakha Sonchoy, Nilphamari



All correspondence should be made to the following address:

Address:                 Pradip Nag, Secretary, Siliguri Cine Society, HNAF, Saibal Mansion

16 Hill Cart Road, Siliguri-734001, Dist.-Darjeeling (WB)

Mob:                       +91-9434233833

Website:                 www.siliguricinesociety.com

Email:                     siliguricinesocietyofficial@gmail.com